ProCleanLakes Official Kick-Off!

On the 25th and 26th of June of 2024, the ProCleanLakes Consortium met in Vienna for a two-day meeting to discuss the next steps to be done for a successful development of the project goals. Besides, six lakes across Europe which will serve as experimental sites for the development of innovative solutions for protection and remediation of ENL, were introduced.

ProCleanLakes project has set high-standard objectives to be implemented during the project lifetime and will have a significant impact towards the protection and restoration of natural lakes. ProCleanLakes proposes a dynamic and flexible initiative, with learning by observe and prove by doing. The resulting Action Plan will have multiple benefits and co-benefits, on the funding period but also in a long-term. One of the important points will be a continuous exchange between the scientific and social communities.

Published On: August 2nd, 2024Categories: News

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