Trichonis Lake
ProCleanLakes aims to develop an Action Plan and Guidelines for the long-term restoration and protection of European Natural Lakes (ENL) ecosystems and biodiversities.
ProCleanLakes introduces a dynamic and adaptable approach emphasizing learning through observation and practical application. A vital aspect of this Project will be the ongoing dialogue between the scientific and social communities. Citizen input, including ideas and opinions on “how” and “who” should be involved and qualitative and quantitative improvements in the ENL ecosystem and biodiversity, will be crucial in developing the ENL Action Plan.
ProCleanLakes will implement restoration and protection solutions in three lakes in northern, eastern, and southern Europe, defined as Demonstration Sites (DS). Additionally, three more lakes, affected by pressures and stressors similar to DS, are involved in the project as Monitoring Sites (MS). Restoration and protection action were previously implemented in the MS.
Stay up to date with the project latest outcomes
ProCleanLakes´s ambition is to develop tailored nature-based solutions for the project´s demonstration lakes (Trichonis, Brates, Langvatnet) which,[...]
Are you a local or regional authority managing, regulating, or overseeing water resources, including lakes or an[...]
In September, a survey was conducted to assess fish communities in three post-mining lakes, including Lake Medard, a key monitoring site for the ProCleanLakes project.