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Map of existing solutions for remediation and protection of European Natural Lakes

By |November 28th, 2024|Categories: News|

ProCleanLakes´s ambition is to develop tailored nature-based solutions for the project´s demonstration lakes (Trichonis, Brates, Langvatnet) which, however, will be transferable and scalable for other European natural lakes. As the first step of this activity, we have created a report that maps the existing solutions which can be used for remediation and protection of polluted lakes. This report will facilitate the development of the new solutions in demonstration lakes of ProCleanLake’s project and will become a part of the final Action Plan for restoration and remediation of European natural lakes. The document is primarily focused on Nature-Based Solutions (NbS). By[...]

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ProCleanLakes Open Call

By |November 25th, 2024|Categories: News|

Are you a local or regional authority managing, regulating, or overseeing water resources, including lakes or an expert in the field of lake remediation and restoration? ProCleanLakes project offers up to €100,000 financial support for each single entity or partnership to take up the solutions developed in the ProCleanLakes in the demonstration sites and propose solutions for upscale, replicate and further exploit project’s solutions. The Open Call is coming soon. Do not miss the opportunity! Subscribe now to stay updated!

ProCleanLakes pre-monitoring and sampling campaign

By |November 25th, 2024|Categories: News|

As part of the assessment of the ecological status and the pressures and stressors affecting each of the six ProCleanLakes demonstration (Brates, Trichonis, Langvatnetv lakes) and monitoring (Vransko, Medard, Zaghen lakes) sites, a pre-monitoring and sampling campaign took place at each lake between September and November 2024. The campaigns started at Langvatnet Lake in the first week of September to avoid the extremely low temperatures of the Norwegian autumn and winter and completed at Zaghen in Romania in the first week of November. At each lake, demonstration- and monitoring-responsible partners spent two days in the field measuring basic physicochemical parameters[...]

ProCleanLakes Official Kick-Off!

By |August 2nd, 2024|Categories: News|

On the 25th and 26th of June of 2024, the ProCleanLakes Consortium met in Vienna for a two-day meeting to discuss the next steps to be done for a successful development of the project goals. Besides, six lakes across Europe which will serve as experimental sites for the development of innovative solutions for protection and remediation of ENL, were introduced. ProCleanLakes project has set high-standard objectives to be implemented during the project lifetime and will have a significant impact towards the protection and restoration of natural lakes. ProCleanLakes proposes a dynamic and flexible initiative, with learning by observe and[...]

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